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Is Your Child Falling Behind?

It’s a Myth That Young Children Cannot be Screened for Dyslexia or Reading- Problems – their Language Skills will Give massive Clue

It’s a Myth That Young Children Cannot be Screened for Dyslexia or Reading- Problems – their Language Skills will Give massive Clue

It’s a Myth That Young Children Cannot Be Screened for Dyslexia!
A diagnosis of developmental dyslexia in elementary school is primarily based upon a “wait-to-fail-approach.” This approach requires a child to demonstrate a significant struggle to learn to read over a prolonged period of time before more intensive (quality and quantity) interventional strategies are discussed and eventually put into place. Paradoxically, although a diagnosis of dyslexia usually is not given before the end of second grade or the beginning of third grade (after the requisite period of failing), intensive interventions are most effective in kindergarten or first grade